
1.22 (sat) still echo meets HERBERT @ METRO (京都市左京区川端丸太町下ル下堤町82恵比須ビルB1F /B1F Ebisu bldg,82 Shimotsutsumi-cho,Kawabata-Maruta-machi-kudaru,Sakyo-ku,Kyoto,075-752-4765) 22:00- guest DJ: Matthew Herbert (a.k.a. Herbert/Do…

1.22 (sat) develop @ UNITED UNDERGROUND 鶴の間 (大阪市中央区千日前2-3-9味園ビル1F /1F Misono bldg,2-3-9 Sennichimae,Chuo-ku,Osaka,06-6763-3499) 23:59- DJs: HIKARU(Blast Head, GRASSROOTS TRIBE from Tokyo), ___ KeNsEi (OUTERLIMITS Inc., Fina…

1.22 (sat) Social Infection -"Where's a RIOT going on? " The House of Fix feat.Circa/Jason Leach Japan Tour- @ NOON (ex.club DAWN,大阪市北区中崎西3-3-8 JR京都線高架下 /under JR Kyoto Line,3-3-8 Nakazaki-Nishi,Kita-ku,Osaka,06-6373-4919) 22…